Sunday, September 2, 2007

5 Steps To A Good Baseball Game Wave

1. BUY CHEAP SEATS, these seats often have drinkers who catch on to the wave quite quickly and are very tipsy.

2. BRING YOUR FREINDS, bringing 4 or 5 of your buddies will increase the chances of starting a good wave. If you and your buddies start it, your section of seats will catch on, spreading throught the park for the ideal effect of a ball game wave.

3. WAIT FOR A LULL, don't do the wave during an interesting or exiting part of the game, such as a big hit or home run. wait for a mound meeting or and long at bat. this will make the crowd thirsty for exitment, thus the perfect time for the wave.

4. GO FOR THE END, shoot for the last half of the game to perform the wave, the crowd is a bit tired or drunk and will be more motivated to do the wave properly.

5. SHOW YOUR ENERGY, if you come off as an energetic and fun person, people will take to you and want to do the wave with you and ask you to do it again and again increasing the amount of partisipants.

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