Monday, November 19, 2007

Thankfulness At It's Finest

It has been a while since my previous post, but iv'e been a little busy. I have given some thought to how much I have to be thankful for. Tommorow my dear cousins, aunt, and uncle will be arriving at our house to spent the week with us. For about 5 years now this has become the most loved Davis-Amarante tradition out of the many. We always have a blast even if things don't always go as we expect it. Think about that for a sec, if everything went exactly how you expected, would life be any fun? i don't think so.
One thing i am thank full for is the fact that I have a family to be thankful with, not everybody does. I won't spoil the suprises you will see on my thankfulness feathers. One thing I will say is I am thankful that the Packers are 8-1!!! Yay! Peace and love folks, see you later.