Friday, February 8, 2008

Fire in the Hole!!!

"Put it out! put it out!"
These are the words of a frantic student trying to douse the flaming paper towel in his hand.
That student is me. In science class today, we were heating beakers of water on hot plates, my freind, David and I were next to eachother waiting for the water to heat up, when i siad. "hey, how are we going to pick these up, thier really hot."
David said, " I don't really know, good point"
"well, we could use paper towels" I suggested.
So when I started to pick up the beaker, paper towel in hand, the paper towel burst into flame! I noted this at once, and after about 3 frantic blows i had stopped the flame. Some students laughed others were freaking out. But i didn't burn the school down, we all had a good laugh about it in the end [including the teacher].
Come to think of it, I think I left the singed towel on the counter.