Monday, September 7, 2009

What You've Missed In The Past Year

Well it's been a year since my previous post, and a lot has happened since. My whole 9th grade school year has come and gone since then, and I am starting 10th grade tomorrow. The summer was good and plentiful including, Creation '09, camping at Douthat State Park, a visit to Pennsylvania, all staples of my summers. It is currently Labor Day and I am quite tired because I attempted to watch the entire Back to the Future trilogy last night but dozed of at the third movie.
I am starting school at Hampton Christian tomorrow which should be cool, and I am quite exited. So it's the last day of summer and it's raining buckets :( how lame.

Anyway I am proud to see that my mother has a new look for her blog designed by my friend Brian.

Running With Letters

That's all for now folks!