Friday, July 20, 2007

Global Warming Theory/ Waterworld

The big issue commonly discussed these days is preventing global warming. In the book of Genesis, God promised Noah through a rainbow that he would never destroy the earth by flood ever again. If the polar ice caps were to melt, the world's land would be completely covered. [except possibly Mt. Everest which may stick out the top].
This possibility was portrayed in the movie Waterworld, which I watched the other day in the car. The main plot of the movie is that the ice caps melt, leaving no land and few survivors. The ones that do survive form pacts to search dry land together. This movie was appropriately rated PG-13 for: Violence, Brief nudity, occasional language, some sexuality, and depictions of blood. It was an interesting movie, but may not be appropriate for many viewers.


Catherine Wannabe said...

So apparently the APB out for the movie has been cancelled. Good to know!

Princess Elwen said...

Umm...I don't think I wanted to know that...ughh...